Monday, January 7, 2013

365 day challenge - day 7

I can't believe it's only been one week since I started this "challenge"...this is going to be much harder than I thought it would be!

From my first post (on January 1), I got this idea from a blogger I follow. She tried this same challenge and said she made it 100 I see why she "only" made it 27% of the way.

365 day challenge - day 7 (doing some deep thinking today)

photo taken at my parents home in Rapid City, SD

P.S. - woke up at 4:14am this morning to work at 5:00am...further realized while I was working how much my new venture is needed, and how well the service will work if (and when) executed correctly. Huge steps will be taken over the next 90 days to get us launched by this summer.

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