What are Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia? (1)
Trigeminal neuralgia results in sudden, severe, painful, stabbing, or electric-like shock in the face.
The trigeminal nerve has three sections, which affect:
The forehead and eye region
The cheek
The jaw
Blood-vessel compression of the trigeminal nerve causes trigeminal neuralgia. Pain can be caused by:
Brushing teeth
Facial touching
It can occur in one or all areas, though symptoms usually begin on one side of the face, and affect both sides in about 5 percent of people.
Atypical trigeminal neuralgia shares several symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. Microvascular decompression surgery may be indicated in certain cases, but the effectiveness of this treatment for atypical trigeminal neuralgia is less favorable.
Trigeminal neuralgia is first treated medically before surgery is considered as a treatment option. If medication is not effective, UPMC neurosurgeons usually recommend Microvascular Decompression. This minimally invasive surgery treats the cause of the problem, offers the most long-lasting relief, and minimizes risk of postoperative side effects like numbness.
UPMC’s high volume of trigeminal neuralgia patients has allowed our surgeons to research treatment effectiveness, making UPMC a world leader in the management and treatment of both trigeminal neuralgia and atypical trigeminal neuralgia.
Dr. Raymond Sekula discusses treatment options for trigeminal neuralgia.|Neurosurgery&vid=301&pagename=trigeminal-neuralgia
(1) Source: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Black Hills 100 Race Training (14 days to race day)
5.50 mile Fartlek training run this morning which (as previously posted), put me over 500 miles for the year in preparation for my first 50 mile ultra-marathon.
- Fartlek Training:
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